Have you ever had a time when you really needed your nails to grow fast? Maybe you chipped a nail, or you need them longer so you can get a cute manicure for this weekend's event.
You may be wondering how this is possible if nails only grow an average of 1/10 of an inch each month?
We found a few home remedies that are all natural, requiring no chemicals or harsh treatments. Here they are:
Little-Known Home Remedies For Faster Nail Growth
1. Use Olive Oil
Olive Oil is a miracle worker when it comes to nail care. Rich in Vitamin E & K, these two vitamins improve the texture and strengthen the nails to avoid cracking and splitting. Olive oil is also excellent at keeping your nails moisturized. And moisturizing your nails is crucial when it comes to nail growth. Start by warming the Olive Oil, and then soaking your nails for 15-20 minutes once daily.
2. Massage Nails with Coconut Oil
Cuticle infections and nail fungus are primary causes for the lack of nail growth. Coconut oil is packed with fatty acids known for their anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. On top of that, Coconut oil contains the important vitamins E & K. As we already know, these are essential vitamins for nails to strengthening and growth.
Simply massage your nails before bed with coconut oil and notice the difference just within some days.
3. Get Rid of Yellow Nails with Lemons
Have you ever suffered from yellow nails? The most common cause of yellow nails is using nail polish over an extended period of time. So, how can lemons clear up yellow nails? It is very simple and so naturally! By soaking your nails in freshly squeezed lemon juice, the lemon juices works as a natural bleaching agent.
Directions: Continue soaking for 5 minutes daily until the yellow has disappeared.
4. Prepare a Quick Nail Soak
There are many different recipes available to soak your nails for faster growth. Here are a few that we have tested and received the best results:Nail Soak Number 1
- 1/2 cup - Orange Juice
- 2 tbsp - Olive Oil
Nail Soak Number 2
- 1/2 cup - Tomato Juice
- 2 tbsp - Olive Oil
Nail Soak Number 3
- 1/4 cup of Organic Coconut Oil
- 1/4 cup of Raw Honey
- 4 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil
Directions: Soak your nails for at least 15 minutes one or two times a week, then rinse. Honey is packed with enzymes to nourish and heal skin, and is a natural humectant, which means it draws moisture into the skin.
Rosemary oil repairs the nail structure from any damage caused by nail fungus.

5. Vitamins and Proteins from Diet
Nails consist mainly of a protein called keratin. Vitamins are an important role in the production of keratin. By adding more of protein and vitamins in your daily diet, it will lead fast increase in the growth of your nails. Look for proteins and vitamins from the following foods:
Protein: Lean poultry, fish, beef pork and eggs
Vitamin A: Carrots, sweet potato, tomato, spinach and other green leafy vegetables
Vitamin B: bell pepper, legumes, milk, cheese, egg, fish, and meat
Vitamin C Lemon, orange, tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and asparagus.
Vitamin E: Green leafy vegetables, almond, sunflower seed, and peanuts
Vitamin K: Green leafy vegetables, beet, cucumber, and peas.
Using the DIY home remedies above, you can have fast nail growth without spending hundreds of dollars on expensive nail treatments.
What is your favorite nail remedy? We love to learn from you.
Pure Jojoba Oil has been proven to be a great oil for nails and cuticles - The best is from Aviva Pure!