The warmth of spring has finally arrived arrived, the spring break is on, so a short trip or vacation might not be a wrong thing! The long and cold winter months are over, start spring with some sun and ocean.
During the winter months your skin was not exposed a lot to sunshine and therefor it is more sensitive than ever.
So we think it is important to include everything into your luggage that will make your vacation pleasurable, and not painful because of burned and chapped skin.
Especially when you travel to some of these beautiful Florida beaches - Already in March, April or May the sun can be brutal and humidity can go up to 90 percent.
Keep in mind that after a long winter the transition can be especially rough for sensitive and dry skin. Plus a harsh sunburn is not fun at all.

10 Ways to Prepare Your Skin for Spring Weather
The following tips tips will keep your skin fresh and healthy - Just right for your spring break travels!
1. Scrub But Don’t Scratch
Six months of icy winter winds can mean dull, dry, and flaky skin. It’s essential to start with a fresh canvas, so be sure to exfoliate all of your dead skin away!
A gentle, exfoliating body scrub that hydrates while it exfoliates is a great option and will leave your skin feeling renewed. There are plenty of natural DIY body scrubs that you can make with ingredients in your own kitchen. Here is one of my favorite recipes to make a natural scrub that leaves your skin feeling energized and reveals beautiful, new skin underneath:
1 part Coffee Grounds (Available for free at Starbucks)
1 part Coconut Oil
1 part Brown Sugar
Or just check out the Natural Aviva Coffee Scrub -

2. Make Sure to Moisturize
After your skin is properly exfoliated, you must make sure that you supply that new, fresh skin with moisture to keep it hydrated. Coconut oil and cocoa butter are great natural ways to keep your skin hydrated. Adding essential oils such as lavender oil or rose oil to these moisturizers can help improve overall skin tone and hydration while promoting skin to regeneration. Remember that essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil, so for every 1 ml of carrier oil, you would add 1 drop of the essential oil.
3. Enough Water is NEVER Enough!Whether or not your spring break plans involve a booze cruise, staying hydrated is one of the golden rules for having great skin. Water is the basic molecule of life, and without it our skin and our bodies simply cannot function to their potential. Especially if you are traveling somewhere hotter than usual, make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of 8 ounces of cool water throughout the day. You will feel hydrated and ready to have fun in the sun!
4. Get Your (Sun) Block Unlocked
Sun protection is something that everyone talks about but almost always forgets to do. Aim for at least SPF 30 and waterproof if you’re going to be sweating or swimming, and be sure to apply every few hours. Apply it everywhere, even places that will be covered by clothing. In fact, it is best to apply sunscreen before you put on any clothes or bathing suits so that you get maximum coverage. For your face be sure to apply it liberally before you apply makeup. Makeup with SPF added can also help protect you, but you shouldn’t rely on it as your only source of protection.

5. Dress Comfortable
Although sunscreen is great protection for your skin, you can help protect yourself from sun damage even further by covering your skin with light clothing. A sunny sky with a light breeze can be tricky. After one hour walking along the beach uncovered for sure give you a nice sun burn if your skin is not used to sun exposure.
To avoid this wear a light beach cover up or wrap a blanket around the shoulders.
6. Feeling the Burn? Know How to Soothe a Sunburn
It has happened! Now what to do? Aloe Vera gel is good to have in your luggage as it is soothing red and sunburned skin. It is also cooling the skin.
You also can get some natural yogurt and apply it on affected areas.
Cucumbers can do some miracles. Find them right in the grocery store, place in fridge for 30 minutes, slice them up, then apply the slices to your skin.
The Aviva Pure Skin Magic Cream is easy to use and when kept in the fridge, this cream is cooling and soothing like no other cream. It is a very light cream that will be absorbed fast into the skin. Using this cream does not need a lot of rubbing in, as the cream is just melting on the skin nicely.
7. Don’t be Afraid of the Shade
Stay in the shade! Nothing is better than the great outdoors but harsh sunlight and salt from the ocean can take its toll on your body and beauty. Be sure to take breaks inside or under the shade of a local cabana. Find a hammock under some trees and take a nice nap- you deserve it and your skin will thank you!
8. Protect Your Luscious Locks
Not only skin can be damaged by the sun! Your scalp and hair definitely feel the effects of the sun, and can get sunburned and damaged just as easily as any other part of your body.
Try hair sprays with SPF, and apply coconut oil and other moisturizers to help soothe hair that may be stressed from sun, swimming pool chlorine, or the salt of the ocean.
Be sure to rinse with cool water and conditioners after a long day out in the sun, and treat your hair to cooling masks or leave in treatments. For fast hair repair, consider an Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Rosemary Oil - Organic Hair Mask.
9. Get a Safe Glow
A trip to the warm beach lets you soak up the sun and enjoy all the great things that are only possible in the warmth. Although you need to protect your skin from sun exposure and damage, there’s no reason to put on a "faux" glow. Yes, we are talking about the fake tanning solution.The tinted moisturizers and bronzers with SPF will add this nice sun kissed look that will not cause any or damages to the skin. For a night out use shimmery blushes and highlighters that will accentuate a natural glow on your face.

10. Pack the Essentials
It all depends on the weather!If you will spend let's say a week in Hawaii or in Florida, there is no reason to pack thick pants, sweaters, and heavy boots (unless you go hiking!). Make your packing list accordingly and prioritize for the type of trip you take.
Focus on the essentials, like bathing suits and intimates, and pack lighter weight, breezy pieces that can mix and match.
Have a pair of flip flops for beach wear and cute sandals or strappy wedges for dinner or a night out. With less clothes in your bag, you will have more room for necessary skin and hair products, such as important sunscreen and natural oils mentioned above.
Beauty comes from within, and as long as you and your skin feel healthy, hydrated, and protected, you will have the confidence to have a great time, no matter what you are wearing!
Now that you’re armed with some tips to look and feel your best, you are ready for the best spring break ever! Take care of yourself, remember the essentials, try some natural remedies, and treat yourself to an amazing week!