Hair is part of us and we love it or hate it. Remember when you were little and you wanted curly hair because your best friends hair was curly. Or when perms were popular, everyone (men too) had their perms done without hesitating. So the hairstyle trend or the fashion determines many styles BUT not how to treat your hear and make the best out of it. To make the best out of it might be the most complicated part because every hair is different and unique. What is the solution? Could it be possible to have a customized hair product? Yes. We created the option to customize your own hair mask. View Post
Coconut Oil has become very popular in the USA since the last 5 years. This is not surprising. Coconut oil is such a versatile oil with plenty usages and benefits.In our store we have several coconut oil products for hair, face and body. Maybe you have asked yourself, if coconut oil is the right ... View Post
As a beauty product enthusiast, you probably have come across the popular question, “is there anything Coconut Oil and Avocado Oil can’t do?”
For the essence of this post, we will try to also avoid the argument, which is healthier: Coconut Oil or Avocado Oil?
The mixture of both is the key and it makes a great hair treatment for many reasons. Truth is, we all have that innate desire to groom us to look as perfect as those celebrities we see on TV and the people we watch in commercials. View Post -
Everyone agrees that coconut oil is good. It boosts your health, brightens your skin, softens the hair, and has become a real beneficial lifestyle product.
To find out about all the benefits we created an all-in-one, step-by-step guide on coconut oil and how to use it.