Since of today, Alcohol used as a preservative in skin care is still the reason for many discussions.There is a lot of bad press when it comes to skincare, personal care & cosmetics. If alcohol would be that bad, So why on earth would Aviva Pure use it as a preservative in their premium qual... View Post
Have you ever wondered what the hype is behind the latest organic hair mask trend? Learn in this article about Organic hair masks, or deep conditioning treatments. How simple they are and how natural.
Can these short words of beauty wisdom make you think differently about how you take care of yourself?
With beauty and aging a popular topic these days, this article shows the importance of natural beauty!
2017 Top Deals from beauty to fashion - perfect collection to get inspired. Perfect for birthday or holiday gifts. View Post
A natural and real Coffee scrub can improve cellulite on a short term basis. If you are planning a beach vacation use the coffee scrub some weeks before. The caffeine stimulates the skin. Find out more ... View Post
Micellar water is specifically meant to be used as THE alternative to regular tap water. We all know that the tap water contains unfortunately many substances that are not good for our skin. View Post
You may have heard that cinnamon is a spice that can be used on lips to make them fuller. Why Cinnamon Plumps the Lips Naturally
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If you have spend already a lot of money for expensive lip plumper and found out that they don't work or are irritation the lips, then you should know that cinnamon can achieve some better results - at least temporarily. -
Have you ever had a time when you really needed your nails to grow fast? Maybe you chipped a nail, or you need them longer so you can get a cute manicure for this weekend's event. We featured in this article some Little-Known Home Remedies For Faster Nail Growth the natural way. No chemicals. No suffering!